How to Paint a Dandelion
Dandelions seem to be popping up everywhere especially on artwork and cards. Here is a simple way to paint your own using a pen, a dab of paint and a small paintbrush.
Dandelions are incredibly easy to paint and draw and the best part about them is that they don't hold a perfect shape.
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All you'll need for this craft:
- Craft board (I found mine at Hobby Lobby)
- White Sharpie paint pen
- White acrylic paint
- Flat brush
First, make a long stem leaning towards the center of the board.
Then make lines coming off the tip of the stem to make a circle... these do not need to be all the same length so don't worry about perfection. This will be the flower.
Add a second dandelion by drawing another stem and another flower. Darken any lines as necessary.
Now draw little lines coming from the flower to the edge of the board. These will be the seeds in the breeze. You want a slight curve in these little lines and want them going in different directions.
Next is to paint the little whisp-y things. Not sure if they have a more scientific name... The part of the flower that you blow off to make a wish. Here is a picture of the brush I used.
Just dab some paint onto the paper to have a couple of testers. You don't want too much paint or it will just look like a glob. If just enough paint is on the brush it will resemble the little whisps.
Carefully dab along the outside of the flowers. Take turns between doing heavy dabs and light dabs.
Now do a dab of paint on one side of those little lines you made earlier.
And that's it! Again, feel free to darken any lines with the Sharpie and add any extra dabs of paint for the whisps.
I ended up putting my painting on my fireplace mantel. I love it as the center piece.
I hope you enjoyed your Easter!

I love dadelions and I love your beautiful artwork! Thank You!